Site News
The Latest Off The Press...
Updated Periodically:
02/02/2024: Adding some final tweaks in the next few weeks as this site is rarely going to be updated anymore. Enthusiasm, funds and content is lacking and reflecting upon here. If anything ever happens in the future, I'll be sure to update it!
30/05/2023: Layout on some pages cleaned up and videos added back to missing links on the Music Videos page.
28/05/2023: Home page changed with an image added to Bloodsport Demos page. Big thanks to Scott Mason for the donation!
12/03/2023: Hey everyone, long time. Since my last update, I've hardly had any spare time or money to contribute to the website. Hopefully, that can be rectified soon! Currently, I am at home as my dad had a quadruple heart bypass, so I am now going though and adding stuff I've collected since. I will try my hardest to keep at it - it would only be a last resort to close the website, so don't worry, that wont happen anytime soon!
03/06/2022: Rework Collection 4 added to the Rework Collection page.
05/04/2022: Long time! I'm still alive, but have been very busy! New photos added to the Squaring The Circle page and Spin Spin Sugar page.
29/01/2022: Hope everyone is having a great new year - interview added to Kelli Ali Era Archive page, new music video added to the Music Videos page, image of STC poster added to Merch page.
29/11/2021: Images added to the Spin Spin Sugar page - collection nearly complete!
04/11/2021: Rework Collection 2 added to the page.
20/09/2021: Ray Gun Magazine interview finally added!
17/09/2021: New sample added for the Splinter page - Vangelis! Of all people, only noticed until today!
15/09/2021: Squaring The Circle lyric document complete.
11/09/2021: Main page rearranged to suit the format and help the band/funding of the album, Cover Stars page removed as you can now hover over an album art image and grab it at a better size and resolution.
03/09/2021: New compilation added to the Other Music page - Rework Collections 1
28/08/2021: New single Alibis added to the singles page
11/08/2021: New single added to the Fighter page.
01/08/2021: Site streamlined and mobile version now friendly to left-handed users.
24/07/2021: Fighter and Squaring The Circle music videos added to the videos page.
28/06/2021: Squaring The Circle and Fighter single pages added and updated.
07/05/2021: Simonne Jones Era Archive page added to the footage tab.
29/04/2021: Title and image added to the Album 4 page - now titled as Squaring The Circle.
22/04/2021: News added to Band News page and image added to the Six Underground page.
21/04/2021: News images added to Becoming X Samplers page.
15/04/2021: BIG THANKS to Ben Czuchra for donating and helping keep the site afloat - much apreciated - samplers pages also overhauled.
10/04/2021: Background changed, keeping in with the Splinter theme; outtake shots from the Ten To Twenty single by Tom Gidley
06/04/2021: New image of a shirt kindly donated by Alan Watling added to the Merch Stand page.
15/02/2021: New edition added to the Roll On page and a secret page added to the site. See if you can find it!
08/02/2021: Single images added to the album pages, general improvements to graphics, speed etc.
03/02/2021: New videos: Sick (better quality version) and the full version of Loretta Young Silks added to the Music Videos page.
03/02/2021: New magazine interview added - Keyboard Magazine.
15/01/2021: New images of the mythical Bloodsport sneakers added to the Merch page.
11/01/2021: New interview page added: UK Boyz.
18/12/2020: Site design changed, new images added to the Polaroids and Merch Stand pages, Guestbook page removed due to costs (you can still contact via the About page) also, a very merry Christmas and a happy new year to all! I'm hoping 2021 will be a much better year than 2020. Look after yourselves and have fun!
13/11/2020: New video added to the Chris Corner Era page, an audio interview from 1999.
02/11/2020: New video added to the Kelli Ali Era page, unseen footage!
28/09/2020: New poster added to the Merch stand page, courtesy of the regular legend: Michael Toole. Thanks again and thanks for confirming the Wantlist page is working!
21/09/2020: New sample found and added to Bloodsport - Ippu-Do.
11/09/2020: Two new additions added to the Low Five page and a little segment on Becoming RemiXed added regarding a withheld cassette release.
10/09/2020: SPECIAL thanks to Joe Wilson who's kindly lent me some tour passes to scan/photograph - these are now on the Merch Stand page.
02/09/2020: New page added - 9:30 Club under the Live Photos page, some fantastic quality images courtesy of Kristine.
29/08/2020: New page added - SP4 Demos. Other pages re-ordered and tidied.
27/08/2020: New demo discs added to the Splinter Demos and Bloodsport Demos pages.
20/08/2020: Criminally, I've left Velvet Divorce from the lyrics page. Now added. I also feel this has evolved from a fan-site into a resource site, hence the new subtitle at the top.
04/08/2020: New images added to Spin Spin Sugar, Six Underground and Cover Stars pages. There is a slight glitch on the site, where the arrows on the image boxes have vanished. You can still view the whole gallery, but to do this, you need to click or tap on an image and then navigate through.
04/08/2020: Been fed up with the bootleg art I've made, so I've entirely overhauled all of it.
03/08/2020: New image box added to the Polaroids page, collection images added to Six Underground page and new Becoming X shirt added to the Merch Stand page.
27/07/2020: Another sample discovered from SP4, Chris said on a live stream today that he used the drums of Mr. X by Ultravox on Sailor.
13/07/2020: New images added to Background page with mini-timelines for each band member.
08/07/2020: New edition and image added to the Six Underground page.
02/07/2020: Not exactly site news, but it's unofficial, hence it not going on the Band News page; I had a call from someone from the OLI marketing team regarding ideas etc. and it is going to be GOOD. Keep your eyes and ears out as this will be one special box-set. Not to be missed. Their attention to detail is second to none.
26/05/2020: New edition added to the Samplers page.
28/04/2020: Record Labels page updated with new images and info.
21/04/2020: I have spent a solid week of writing an complete biography on Sneaker Pimps. To see it, please revisit the Background page. WARNING! It is very long and chunky, but well worth the read.
02/04/2020: New page added under Other Music - Record Labels. Another new page coming soon!
02/04/2020: New page added - Wantlist. Please consider viewing to see what I'm hunting down. May I take this time to wish everyone good health during this troubling time. Stay safe, Curtis
30/03/2020: New page added under Other Music - The Magnificent Radish book.
23/03/2020: New feature on the main page: song of the week. I shall add a one of my favourite songs each week in the hopes that people will check out other artists.
20/03/2020: New images added to Line Of Flight, Post-Modern Sleaze and Sick pages.